Homeopathy for Autism

Homeopathy has been around for more than 200 years. In the United States homeopathy is only the background to mainstream medical treatments. However, in places like Germany and India this is not the case. The government of India recognizes homeopathy, as one of the national systems of medicine and homeopathy is the third most popular method of medical treatment after Allopathy and Ayurveda. A new study out of India titled “Effectiveness of Homeopathic Therapeutics in the Management of Childhood Autism Disorder,” again shows us how effective this form of medicine can be.
The study looked at the usefulness of homeopathic therapeutics to manage the neuro-psychological dysfunction associated with childhood autism disorder. The researchers also set out to show how well homeopathy can manage behavioral dysfunctions like impulsivity, hyperactivity, repetitive behaviors, etc. in autism. Children of both sexes up to the age of 12 were observed for 6 months without treatment and their scores were recorded. They were then treated for a one-year period using homeopathy without any pharmacological intervention. Researchers used the Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC), the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) and the Autistic Hyperactivity Scale (AHS) to evaluate the children for changes in communication skills, socialization, cognitive and sensory awareness and general behavior. A neurologist and child psychiatrist examined each case for evaluation of the children’s responses to treatment.
Significant changes were noted in all the autistic features of the children. Parents, teachers, and therapists of the children noted positive improvements in behavior and activities of daily living. This means that in a disease that is not much understood for a cause we are starting to see that there might be hope for a treatment. Common allopathic drugs Like Risperidone address more of the hyperactivity and aggressive behaviors and does not help in addressing the core features of autism. Not to mention these drugs only suppress the symptoms and don’t help to individualize the treatment for each patient finding the root cause of disease. This study has demonstrated the usefulness of a holistic approach via homeopathic treatment for autism. Schedule your appointment today with Dr. Wolf to get your children started on their path to health and wellness.